Our kitchen is as various as life itself with chef de cuisine Patrick Schmidhuber and his team. With much love, care and passion we treat you with natural, seasonal products from our home in the highest premium organic quality. Your culinary delight is our goal. A gentle and refined preparation of all dishes is part of our commitment to the product and you. We are always searching for new combinations of flavour, that’s why for us there are no limits in our imagination when we combine traditional with modern food variations. As a result, we reinvented the Black Forest cuisine and we’re already excited to welcome you as a guest. We are grateful for any inspiration and welcome your suggestions and ideas.

Our Kitchen Chef
Patrick Schmidhuber
Hotel . Campus . Selfness
Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb
Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles
8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II
Organically produced food
Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006
Hotel . Campus . Selfness
Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb
Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles
8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II