“Most of my course participants succeed in achieving the first complete circulation of Qi within eight days. Their self-healing power is then sustainably activated.”
Based on the results of numerous clinical studies, Prof. Li Shao Bo’s method is used in Chinese clinics as a healing method for chronic diseases. It is not without reason that Master Khim’s further developed Qi Meditation has been an outstanding success. His course participants in Germany, England and the Netherlands as well as acupuncture experts appreciate Master Khim’s knowledge, technique and personality.
The sister’s discipline to the traditional Chinese medicine is Qigong. It is prescribed in China as the first and most important therapy before acupuncture or herb therapy. Exercises from the Qigong steer Qi, energy belonging to body, help by practicing to promote own health. The Qigong divides itself into the moved and the quiet Qigong. Both receive or activate the river of Qi in the body. While the moved Qigong motion sequences, as for example „Eight noble brocades“ is achieved, a form of meditation is latter. It has in contrast to others in the west known meditation forms the organic health of practicing for aim from which subsequently a state of the internal rest and spiritual clarity arises.
Master Khim developed after many years’ experience with different Qigong disciplines and with the method of Prof. Li Shao Bo his own medical Qigong style. This exceptionally effective Qigong connects elements from the moved Qigong with Zhen Qi Yun Xing ®. „Zhen Qi Yun Xing ® means true Qi circulated – unhindered in all internal organs, in the so-called “small heavenly circulation”.
Most of my course participants the first complete circulation of Qi succeeds within eight days. Then their selfhealing strength is activated with lasting effect.“
Supported on the results of numerously clinical studies the method is applied by Prof. Li Shao Bo in Chinese medical centres than remedial method with chronic illnesses. Master Khim developed Qi meditation shows a distinct success. Various course participants in Germany, England and the Netherlands as well as experts of the acupuncture estimate Master Khim’s knowledge, technology and personality.
Exercises from Qigong direct the Qi (the body’s own energy) and help to promote one’s health. Master Khim developed his own medical Qigong style after years of experience with Qigong disciplines and with the method of Prof. Li Shao Bo.
Private individual lessons
- 1x approx. 90 min. / 169 € p.P.
Private group lessons
- on request
Master Khim
- Approved and certified teacher of medical Qigong Zehn Qi Yun Sing from Grandmaster Prof. Lo Shao Bo from China
- Only official representative of medical Qigong in Germany
- Member of the Prof. Li Saho Bo-Research Institute, Lanzhou-China
- In Karlsruhe since 2012
Hotel . Campus . Selfness
Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb
Phone +49 7083 927-0
Charging stations for
electric vehicles
8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II
Organically produced food
Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006
Hotel . Campus . Selfness
Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb
Phone +49 7083 927-0
Charging stations for
electric vehicles
8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II