Sustainability Reporting

The sustainability Code DNK

The Statement of Compliance of the SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA

The Sustainability Code is a cross-industry standard for transparent reporting of corporate sustainability performance. It contains twenty criteria and selected quantifiable performance indicators according to international reporting standards GRI or EFFAS. The SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA uses this framework for its public sustainability reporting on the Sustainability Code database.

WIN!-Charta Baden Wuerttemberg

Concept and progress report of the SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA

The WIN! charter aims to promote and incorporate the idea of sustainability in all sectors of the Baden-Württemberg economy. In order to achieve this goal, as much sustainable action as possible should be made visible. The sustainability network Baden-Württemberg offers the ideal platform for this. Through the 12 guiding principles of the WIN! charter, we commit ourselves to basic values and aspects such as Human and employee rights, integration and resource efficiency and regional value creation. Read more at (in German)

Hotel . Campus . Selfness

Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb

Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles

8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II

Organically produced food

Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006

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Hotel . Campus . Selfness

Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb

Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles

8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II

Organically produced food

Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006

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