Hochzeitsringe in Herzform

Berry superfoods straight from the bush

Snack garden & biodiversity in the SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA

See, smell, collect and taste – a walk through the hotel’s own SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA snack garden is a delightful experience for the senses. Berries, vegetables, herbs, superfoods and vitamin bombs. Whether sweet, juicy, sour, local or southern – here every sweet tooth gets its money’s worth. Our kitchen team also roams the long berry road, past the flower meadow along the raised beds, always on the lookout for eye-catchers to enhance the regional creations.

The SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA snack garden bears the epithet “species garden” because a comprehensive biodiversity approach has been integrated. On approx. 100 sqm, lizards now regularly check into the stone pile, a bee colony settles as a long-stay guest, the earwig houses are permanently occupied and there is a lot of activity at the bar (insect as well as bird watering places) as well as at the buffet (flower meadow). The suite (huge nesting box in the replica of the hotel) is booked until fall and will then be renovated (old bird nests out). The hedgehog’s nest, on the other hand, is only fully occupied in winter.

See, smell, collect and taste – a walk through the hotel’s own SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA snack garden is a delightful experience for the senses. Berries, vegetables, herbs, superfoods and vitamin bombs. Whether sweet, juicy, sour, local or southern – here every sweet tooth gets its money’s worth. Our kitchen team also roams the long berry road, past the flower meadow along the raised beds, always on the lookout for eye-catchers to enhance the regional creations.

The SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA snack garden bears the epithet “species garden” because a comprehensive biodiversity approach has been integrated. On approx. 100 sqm, lizards now regularly check into the stone pile, a bee colony settles as a long-stay guest, the earwig houses are permanently occupied and there is a lot of activity at the bar (insect as well as bird watering places) as well as at the buffet (flower meadow). The suite (huge nesting box in the replica of the hotel) is booked until fall and will then be renovated (old bird nests out). The hedgehog’s nest, on the other hand, is only fully occupied in winter.

100 sqm species & garden happiness

  • 25 m long berry road (15 different varieties)
  • Raised beds & fruit trees
  • Species protection elements
  • Insect friendly planting
  • Wildflower meadow
  • Chillout/ yoga deck (can also be used as an outdoor meeting room)
  • Extension of the panorama terrace with service
  • Hopfen cave
  • Upcycling – impulses for sustainable signage
  • Living photo backdrop for your vacation memories

For the love of nature

For the greatest possible appreciation and preservation of special species in nature:


  • Hedgehog house
  • Bird house with bird bath on the roof
  • Sand baths for birds
  • Flat water troughs for insects
  • Honey bee colonies
  • Wild bee nesting aids
  • Earwig nesting aids
  • Lizard cairns

Inspired by the originality. Arranged for you.

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Adding superfoods to the energy break

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

From-Farm-To-Fork: freshly harvested products for kitchen & bar

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Multifunctional use: Yoga session, Outdoor group room, rest area

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Biodiversity & protection

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Varied space for your dinner

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Naturally chilled beer from the Hopfen cave

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Seed goodbye cards for home when check out

Steigende Luftballons bei einer Geburtstagsfeier

Honey sale from our own bees in the Lädle

Service-Mitarbeiterin vom Schwarzwald Panorama gießt Champagner in Gläser. Foto: Emotional Perspective
Dreistöckige weiße Hochzeitstorte mit Dekor und dezenter Blumendekoration
Geschenketafel bei einer Hochzeitsfeier im Schwarzwald Panorama
Tischdekoration bei einer Hochzeitsfeier mit großen Buchstabenaufstellern Mrs & Mr. Foto: Emotional Perspective
Lachendes Servicepersonal bei einer Hochzeitsfeier im Schwarzwald Panorama. Foto: Emotional Perspective.
Braut hält eine Holzscheibe mit ausgeschnittenem Herz mit Zweigen und Eheringen in den Händen
Braut sitzt mit zwei Brautjungfern auf einer großen Holzschaukel bei einer Hochzeit im Freien. Foto: Emotional Perspective.
Glas mit Dessert bei einer Hochzeit. Foto: Emotional Perspective.
Festlich gedeckter Tisch mit edlem Blumenbouquet in der Hochzeitslocation Schwarzwald Panorama. Foto: Emotional Perspective.
Obstbuffet mit Schokobrunnen bei einer Hochzeitsfeier
Küssendes Brautpaar in der Natur mit Wunderkerzen
Mit Rosenblüten dekoriertes Bett in der Hochzeitssuite
Brautpaar mit allen Gästen bei einer Hochzeit im Schwarzwald Panorama auf der Terrasse mit Ausblick auf Bad Herrenalb und die Natur. Foto: Emotional Perspective.
Obstbuffet mit Schokobrunnen bei einer Hochzeitsfeier
Küssendes Brautpaar in der Natur mit Wunderkerzen
Mit Rosenblüten dekoriertes Bett in der Hochzeitssuite

Hotel . Campus . Selfness

Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb

Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles

8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II

Organically produced food

Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006

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Hotel . Campus . Selfness

Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb

Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles

8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II

Organically produced food

Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006

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